A dramatic landscape with dark storm clouds and a beam of light illuminating a traditional church, with a subtle American flag blended into the sky, symbolizing hope and revival amidst societal turmoil.

Why is America in This Mess?

In this insightful sermon, we delve into the critical issues facing America today, from cultural conflicts to political turmoil. The discussion includes a biblical perspective on leadership and a call to action for the church to awaken and lead a transformative revival in the nation.

“2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

In America, we, the church, have allowed sin to run amok for years now. We have allowed prayer to be taken out of our schools and abortion (murder) of unborn babies, even unto late term. I have seen a video of a doctor at Planned Parenthood where the abortion did not go as planned, so they killed the child anyway. Not to mention Planned Parenthood selling the aborted baby tissue and parts? I have seen a video of a doctor admitting that they use aborted baby tissue in our vaccines. And he even said there are heavy metals like aluminium and mercury in the vaccines. We wonder why our children get autism after a vaccine or why people have become ill or die after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

How about President Obama’s homosexual agenda he pushed on us for eight years? The church must have been asleep. Now, we have transgender individuals in our children’s bathrooms and sports. Hollywood promotes all these things and even makes movies about hunting us down and killing us. Where was the church then?

Let’s address the fake news spreading their narrative of lies from the devil. They hate us because we are Christians, conservatives, and Republicans. How about the people that really run the world, the globalists that are the money behind the swamp? The Democrats and domestic terrorists like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are just being used by the globalists for a one-world order. If we even try to fight this, we are called conspiracy theorists. This is all in the Marxist playbook, and they are very good at it and have achieved most of that playbook already.

President Donald J. Trump was a modern-day King Cyrus, a gift from God to His Church, but a lot of blind Christians rejected him and allowed the Democrats to steal the 2020 election. I can tell you this: I volunteered for the Republican Party before and on election night as a pole watcher. The Democrats are a well-oiled machine, whereas the Republicans are like a Chinese fire drill. I’m in Arizona, and there are a lot of (RINOs) “Republican in name only”, especially the McCain family in Maricopa County—they are horrible.

God has promised us that He will give President Donald J. Trump a second term as president through His prophets. Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” So when God’s prophets speak, it is God Himself speaking, and if you reject the Prophets, you are really rejecting God!

Now the Bible says in 1st John 4:1, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” There are a lot of false prophets out there, put by the enemy, the devil, to lead you away from God. How you tell the difference is to study what they say in your Bible and see if it lines up with God’s Word.

In 2nd Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Now, the devil has removed this verse from all versions of the Bible except the King James Bible. This is what I have been saying: the devil and his minions have done whatever they want in America while the church was asleep at the wheel.

Right now, as of January 26th, 2021, we are in a great awakening in America, with a few Christians, ministers, apostles, and evangelists etc., seeking God’s Face, praying, and fasting. Where are all the other so-called Christians? We get too caught up in our denominations like Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc., and end up divided. We need to repent, put on the sackcloth, come together as one church, and pray, fast, and seek God’s Face and Will. Then God can and will hear our prayers again and heal our land.

I know a lot of Christians just go to church to feel good about themselves and be served by the church. There are a lot of these Christians who were good people in hell right now. But there are no people in hell that were obedient unto God’s Will. Not one person! Now we all have a part or service in God’s Church, no matter who you are or your calling. This includes every sector of society like politics, healthcare, financial sector, etc.

Once God puts President Donald J. Trump back in office for a second term and exposes a lot of evil people here in America that will be arrested, then it will be your time to get involved in one of the areas so we can take back our country from the devil, one step at a time. This will not be an easy task, for these things have been planned and implemented by the enemy over many years. The days of these mega-churches are over, and the days of a great awakening have begun. So seek God’s Face and ask Him what you should do? This is going to take everyone of us and a lot of hard work. We also need to comfort those on the left (Democrats) when God does what He is getting ready to do. They have been lied to by the devil and his minions and will be devastated when their demigods are exposed for being corrupt and evil. All are God’s children, and He is not a respecter of persons. God’s Grace for America is for them as well!

Amen & Shalom.

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