Alex Jones HAARP and Donald Trump

Making America Great Again Will Only Take Us So Far!

“Making America Godly Again” tackles the spiritual and societal challenges facing America, emphasizing divine intervention, repentance, and the impacts of technological manipulation on both natural and spiritual realms.

What America and the rest of the world need is to make America godly again. America, Israel, and every other country in the world need to root out all the evil that the devil has planted. Evil spirits do not die and have been around since the beginning of time and have planned all of this. Just because America voted President Donald J Trump into office does not mean we have won the war. Now our enemy, the devil, is making countermeasures against us. One of these is the weather through H.A.R.P., which Alex Jones told us about in 2009 on the TV show Conspiracy Theory. Where have been the watchmen in God’s church when all of this was happening, and why did it take a non-Christian who was more godly than most Christians to warn us?

This is why God was delayed the last few years and has caused a great awakening in the church, along with great exposure of evil in the church. I will not go into the exposures in the church because I am not qualified, and neither are you to judge God’s creation. Have you ever had someone tell you what to do in your life or with your possessions? Don’t you just want to tell these people to go to H-E-double-L and to mind their own business? How do you think God feels about all this trashing of churches and the five-fold ministry on the internet and these social sites? How do you think God feels about all these childish memes and childish social commentary? It is written in [2 Chronicles 7:14]: “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Making America great and godly again starts with you and your house and by humbling yourself before God. This morning as I prayed for someone, God put this in my spirit: “If you do not have time to pray now, you will not have the time to pray later.” It has never been more important for God’s Ekklesia to pray fervently as we already see the enemy unleashing severe weather (Snow in Florida) around the U.S. and around the world. Next on their evil fake mockingbird agenda is the alien agenda to be unleashed as the deep state worships these demons masquerading as aliens. I say this not to scare you but to warn you to pray like you never have prayed, especially for our leadership to have a personal relationship with God and to hear from Him.

President Trump can bring back all the wealth and prosperity that the deep state stole from us, but if we do not allow God to change our hearts and minds by the Gospel, we, the people, will turn back to our vomit as it is written in [Proverbs 26:11]: “As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.” Let’s look at another Bible verse. It is written in [Luke 12:16-21] about a rich man who plans to store his surplus grain and relax, thinking he has many years left, but God calls him a fool because his life is demanded that night. This is how it will be for anyone who stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.

America, Israel, and every other country’s goals should be to be rich first towards God and seek His face. Then He will heal our land as it is written in [2 Chronicles 7:14]. It is written in [Ephesians 3:20]: “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” God knows best for us, and His ways are much wiser than ours, for He knows the end from the beginning, as it is written in [Isaiah 46:10]. Please let go and let God by surrendering to Him. He will draw close to you and not only protect you but provide more for you than you could even imagine. God is a good father and loves you just the way He made you in His image.

Please continue to pray at all times with this first like Jesus said to pray [Matthew 6:10-13], then pray [Psalms 91]over yourself, your family, those on your prayer list, and everything you have and aspire to have in the past, present, and future as God is not confined to time like we are. Please write to us if you need prayer or encouragement, and always remember God loves you, and we love you always, no matter what!

God bless you, and may the Shalom (peace) of God reside over you and your family at all times!

Amen and Shalom!

If you have a prayer request, please contact us so we can pray with and for you.

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