If Christians Worshiped God Like Satanists Worshipped Satan, We Would Not Be in This Mess!

If Christians devoted themselves to God as fervently as Satanists do to Satan, the world would be different. This sermon calls for repentance, faith, and humility.

I have come across interviews and videos of former Satanists many times, and the one common denominator is their time and devotion to Satan, the little “g.” I was going to go over Ezekiel 17 but just had an urgency in my spirit to talk about the lack of faith and devotion the modern-day church has towards God. In the New Testament and modern-day prophecy from current prophets, prophecy is conditional on God’s church (Ekklesia).

We are in the mess we are in America, Israel, and around the world because we have allowed the enemy, the devil, to have legal ground to create said mess. It is through our sin and disobedience to God’s covenants, precepts, and perfect will. It is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

For a couple of weeks before the assassination attempt on President Trump, he, his people, and MAGA people were saying, “We will have so many votes it will be impossible for the swamp to steal the election.” This is nothing but pride on all of their behalf. God is not mocked and will not share His glory with anyone, including President Trump, who has been very braggadocios in his speeches leading up to the assassination attempt.

I have been watching the janitor who is a prophet, Brandon Briggs, who accurately predicted President Trump would be shot in the ear in an attempted assassination. It is written in 1 Corinthians 1:27: “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” Yes, God sometimes uses a billionaire who is a celebrity to do His bidding, like Trump, but a lot of the time He uses the least of us to do His bidding, like a janitor.

Was not King David the least of his brothers, a mere sheep herder that even the Prophet Samuel did not recognize as the anointed one? Right now, we are in the valley of decision, and we all need to humble ourselves before God and stop seeking His hand and start seeking His perfect will. Then, as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, God will indeed heal our land that is right now in disarray because of our lack of faith and devotion to His perfect will, covenants, and precepts.

We must raise up a new standard of excellence in all we do for Him and our fellow man, as it is all of our ministry to do. The things that God is speaking through His prophets, like Brandon Briggs the janitor, that could happen are very troubling. But we do not have to allow these things to happen. We can, through prayer, fasting, and supplication to God in the power and authority given us through the cross of Jesus Christ, stop these things.

One thing that the prophet said was we need to get to the root of our problems instead of looking at the fruit. Ask God why you sin in certain areas of your life and help you with the root of the problem so He can permanently remove these sins from the root. When we came to Christ, we gave up our old life and now live for Him, and it’s time we start living that out instead of just saying it! God bless you and keep you safe, and your family safe in these turbulent times! Amen and Shalom!

If you have a prayer request, please contact us so we can pray with and for you.

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