
Open Bible to Deuteronomy

The free will of the 2 sides of Deuteronomy 28 – Blessings or Cursing?

Explore the dichotomy of blessings and curses in Deuteronomy 28, reflecting on the significance of free will amidst divine guidance. Dive into the valley of decision as humanity grapples with the consequences of their choices, seeking insight into the path towards blessings and avoiding the pitfalls of cursing.

The free will of the 2 sides of Deuteronomy 28 – Blessings or Cursing? Read More »

2022 The Great Exodus by Julie Green Ministries & Bo Polny

“TREASON” Will Be Written On Them For ALL ETERNITY Click the image below to view Bo Polny’s Presentation which was discussed in the video “THE GREAT EXODUS 2022” by Julie Green Ministries, which you can also watch below. This presentation sheds light on the corruption in high places of political power. It is filled with

2022 The Great Exodus by Julie Green Ministries & Bo Polny Read More »

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